We won’t be beaten on price, even on voucher offers
We offer much more than just great prices, but we don’t want price to be a reason you shop elsewhere.
If you find a competitor site has the same product at a cheaper price, including vat we’ll match it – is’s a simple as that, which means you get our great servie at your price.
All you need to do is make a note of the product number, its price and the competitor you want us to match. We will verify and match the price there and then for you. To benefit by phone, call 02081331981 or you can email us at mail@pipedreamchristmascards.co.uk.
When you call us, we can put the order on the system on your behalf and invoice you to give you peace of mind or we can give you a code to do this yourself – whatever suits you best!
Price promise terms and conditions
- We’ll match our competitor’s store or website UK price.
- The competitor’s product must be brand new, identical to ours, inclusive of vat and delivery and offered on the same terms.
- We and the competitor must have stock ready for delivery.
- We must be able to verify the competitor’s price and stock position.
- We’ll match the price of a product; not delivery charges or other services.
- Cannot be used with any other offer.
Voucher match terms and conditions
- Voucher offers redeemable in the issuing retailer will be matched with equivalent savings discounted at time of purchase.
- Offer limited to one per customer/household.